Wednesday, October 2, 2013

27 week update... Surrogate Side

Date: October 2nd, 2013

How Many Weeks:  27 weeks!

Total Weight Gain:  13lbs - who knows!  Maybe more??  I have another appointment tomorrow afternoon.  Maybe I'll do an update if I'm not on the floor with astonishment...  I've been "feeling" fat these last couple of days.

Baby Size: Rutabaga

What is going on with this baby:
  • He's practicing inhaling and exhaling with his rapidly developing lungs.  Getting ready for his big debut in a few months!  What a beautiful sound that will be!
  • It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And his brain will keep on getting more complex.  He's gonna be one smart cookie - just look at his parents!
Maternity Clothes: Yeah, there's no turning back now. 

Sleep:  Not bad.  There are some nights that I have a difficult time, but it's not really from discomfort.  It's more from my pregnancy-induced insomnia.  My brain just won't stop turning!  However, just last night, I had some trouble finding a comfortable position.  This belly is getting bigger and baby boy doesn't like to be smushed.

Movement:  Oh heck yes!  He sits so low that I can see movement just above my pubic bone.  No lie.  I have NEVER seen movement there before.  Kinda weird!  This boy is gonna be a soccer player. He is.  He is...! (Those who know me well, will catch the Billy Madison reference - one of my favorite movies.)

Symptoms:  New one for ya!  Backache.  My belly is stretching so much lately that I am having some back discomfort.  By the end of the day, it kinda really hurts.  Giving my children tubs at the end of the day is almost impossible.  Almost (wink, wink).  But hey, I am superwoman!  I do it all!

Food Cravings/Aversions:  Unfortunately, nothing is aversive.  I like it all.  I am going to be a huge blimp come the end of December.  I have told my husband to stop getting my favorite ice cream.  If it's in the house, I can't say no.  However, just the other night, I texted my husband the following:
And, he did. 

I'm looking forward to:  getting more texts/emails from K about her baby purchases and "essentials" questions!  K&J just purchased their crib and changing table - it's so cute!  She's sent questions about strollers and rocking chairs.  I love that they are getting things ready for their bundle's arrival.  Makes me feel so good.  This is what it's all about.  Love it! 


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